IOLS - Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills
3647 Little East Fork Road
Canton, NC 28716
Who: IOLS Training is the required outdoor training for all Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters and all registered Scout Leaders are welcome to attend. To be fully trained, participants must also complete the Scouts BSA Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Position Specific Training. This can be done either online ( – BSA Learn Center) or by attending an in-person course.
When: The IOLS course begins at 6:30PM on Friday evening and ends Saturday by 6PM. If there is enough interest, the Scoutmaster Position Specific Training will be conducted from 5pm-9pm on Saturday. All training sessions will be held in the Arrowhead Campsite.
What: Skill Sessions including one overnight camping:
Campsite Selection • Woods Tools - Knife, Camp Saw, Ax • Fire Site Preparation & Fire Building • Outdoor Cooking • Outdoor Ethics • Knots, Ropes & Lashing • First Aid • BSA Worship Service • Packing & Hiking Techniques • Map & Compass • Plant Identification • Animal Identification • Campfire Program
Equipment: Please bring your own overnight camping gear and your Scouts BSA handbook. Meals will be provided as part of the training experience. IOLS minimum equipment list:
Personal Tent Rain Gear
Sleeping Bag Water Bottle/Canteen
Camp Chair Sweatshirt/Jacket
Durable Shoes/Boots Scout Uniform
Flashlight Personal Toiletry Items
Personal Cook Kit/Utensils/Cup Towel
Note pad & pen ScoutsBSA Handbook
Personal First Aid Scout T-Shirts
Current Medical Health Form, Parts A and B.
Cost: $25.00
Registration: Dec 2 and April 10