Unit and Membership Renewal


Scouting America offers an online member and unit renewal process. Listed below are several resources to assist with smooth and improved renewal processes. All units and members currently registered with the BSA need to complete this process on a yearly basis.

More information about everything below can be found HERE


Membership Renewal after April 1, 2024

All registrations are for 12 months. For example, if your current registration expires on 12/31/2023, your renewed membership will start on 1/1/2024 and run through the entire calendar year until 12/31/2024. Membership renewal can be completed by either the individual, the family or the unit.

Units can renew their members if they choose. The system allows you to select all or specific individuals to renew. You can also do this multiple times during the month so if you leave someone off you can always renew their membership later.


Annual Member Fee Effective April 1, 2024:

  • Youth - Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturing participants - $135 or $150 with magazine

  • Adults – Units, District, or Council Volunteers - $95 or $110 with magazine

  • Merit Badge Counselors only - $25.00 or $40 with magazine

  • Exploring participants Youth & Adults - $75 or $90 with magazine

  • Unit Charter Fee - $100 per program

File Name Description
Member Renewal Process Download
Unit Checklist Download