Virtual Merit Badge Pre-Coursework

How to Demonstrate virtually?

All requirements that state "Demonstrate" will require the scouts to complete the task out side of the virtual classes. This could be completed with videos of the scout completing it, or other trained professionals signing off that the scout completed the requirment as it is written. 

Please note that only some outside requirements are listed below. If you do not find your merit badge topic below, it may mean that your instructor will assign these requirements in the class itself. Please defer to your class instructor during class to ensure you have every opportunity to complete each merit badge in a timely manner.

Each section can be "Expanded" or "Collapsed." Please locate your class topic (listed alphabetically) and expand it to view the pre-coursework.

Scouts will need to download the following template and print it out before my class starts. This is an actual flipbook. Scouts will create their own flipbook using either the reverse side of the provided template or by using Post-it notepad (at least 2x3” size). Scous will also need to have paper (or Post-it pads), pencil, stapler and scissors (for cutting standard paper) available to do the flip book project.

Please complete Requirements #5 and #6 to discuss in class.

Please complete Requirement #1 to share in class. Virtual festival, museum or religious visits are fine if you can email me your chosen websites.

Come to the first meeting time having completed requirement #1. Be prepared to discuss the importance of the Declaration of Independance and share your writing.

Scouts will need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Scouts need to come prepared to discuss requirement 1. We will discuss the process of Archaeology (Requirement 2 & 3). In your merit badge pamphlet there are descriptions of 6 archaeological sites and I will cover a couple that I worked on. Read the book and we will have some fun with those and other sites. For the second class Prepare to tell us about one of your favorite sites. We will cover the details in the first class. For requirement 6 be prepared to discuss all 3 items in this section. Requirment 7 can be fun; chose one of these (a or b)  for A) give us a list of items you would put in the time capsule especially ones that would give the people of the future an idea of what makes you tick; or for B) is pretty self explanatory. Requirement 8 is going to be a lot of fun. We will discuss how we can create a “mock dig” at home, then discuss how it works. Requirement 9 is another fun project. You will create a tool or skill from the past  we will discuss the details during the first class. Requirment 10 will take some help and supervision from your parents. Read the book with them and choose one of the 2 choices; we will discuss them in class as you finish them either first or second class

This class will be a combination class with Personal Fitness on Wednesday 12/7, 1/4, 2/1 from 7-8:30 PM.

1a Think about and be prepared to discuss most hazards you are most likely to encounter and ways to prevent or lessen these hazards

1b What safety equipment, tools and clothing should be used and worn while preform routine checks and repairs of a motor vehicle

2b, c, d, e, & f With an adults help learn where to check on your vehicle

  • Brake fluid
  • Engine oil
  • Coolant
  • Power steering fluid
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Transmission fluid
  • Battery condition
  • Location of fuse box and type of fuses

2h learn about the local emissions and safety inspection requirements for the area you live in

11 with an adults help complete 2 of the a,b,c, or d sections

12 Complete this section find out about three career opportunities in the automotive industry. Pick one and look into the education, training and experience required. Why might this profession interest you.

HERE is a workbook that can be very handy for the writen parts.

Here is the work that needs to be completed for the aviation merit badge and the days it needs to be done by. I would recommend all of this be complete by the first day. If anyone has questions you can email Ian HERE (just remember to either use their parent’s email or CC their parents on the email.

Day 1:

  • Read Merit Badge Pamphlet
  • Create a poster including the instruments required by 2f – feel free to look up examples
  • Find 3 careers you would be interested in learning more about

Day 2:

  • Using the 3 careers from before, research and prepare to present on the training, education, and experience required for one of those careers (preferably the one you’re most interested in)
  • Build an FPG-9 and have an area that you can use to measure the distance that it flies (do test flights before hand!) -
Scouts will need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Requirements 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10b WILL NOT be completed in class. Scouts can complete these before or after the class and submit their work for completion.
  • 1c-Show that you know first aid for and how to prevent injuries or illnesses that could occur while camping, including hypothermia, frostbite, heat reactions, dehydration, altitude sickness, insect stings, tick bites, snakebite, blisters, and hyperventilation. You can complete this by: having First Aid/E Prep MB
  • 3-Make a written plan* for an overnight trek and show how to get to your camping spot by using a topographical map and one of the following: (a) a compass (b) a GPS (c) a GPS app. You can complete this by: Email official record or have adult-leader email verification.
  • 4b-Help a Scout patrol or a Webelos Scout unit in your area prepare for an actual campout, including creating the duty roster, menu planning, equipment needs, general planning, and setting up camp. You can complete this by: Email official record or have adult-leader email verification.
  • 5e-Present yourself to your Scoutmaster with your pack for inspection. Be correctly clothed and equipped for an overnight campout. This can be complted by: Email picture of self/pack.
  • 6a-Describe the features of four types of tents, when and where they could be used, and how to care for tents. Working with another Scout, pitch a tent. This can be complted by: Email answers and pictures/video.
  • 6b-Discuss the importance of camp sanitation and tell why water treatment is essential. Then demonstrate two ways to treat water. You can complete this by: Email pictures/video.
  • 7b-Pack your own gear and your share of the patrol equipment and food for proper carrying. Show that your pack is right for quickly getting what is needed first, and that it has been assembled properly for comfort, weight, balance, size, and neatness. You can complete this by: Email pictures of backpack/adult-leader verification.
  • 8c-Prepare a camp menu. Explain how the menu would differ from a menu for a backpacking or float trip. Give recipes and make a food list for your patrol. Plan two breakfasts, three lunches, and two suppers. Discuss how to protect your food against bad weather, animals, and contamination. You can complete thy by: Email answer addressing EACH part of the prompt.
  • 8d-While camping in the outdoors, cook at least one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner for your patrol from the meals you have planned for requirement 8c. At least one of those meals must be a trail meal requiring the use of a lightweight stove. You can complete this by: Email pictures/adult-leader verification.
  • 9-Show experience in camping by doing the following: Camp a total of at least 20 nights at designated Scouting activities or event. You will also need to complete Parts 9B and 9C. You can complete this by: Email official record or adult-leader verification.
  • 10-Discuss how the things you did to earn this badge have taught you about personal health and safety, survival, public health, conservation, and good citizenship. In your discussion, tell how Scout spirit and the Scout Oath and Scout Law apply to camping and outdoor ethics. You can complete this by: Email answer addressing EACH part of the prompt.
These can be completed after the class if the scout would liket to do so. The Scout's homework is to complete requirements 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b (they may attend a virtual meeting and submit a very brief discussion of why they agree or disagree (there is no wrong answer), 5 (tell me which movie), 6, 7a, 7b, 7c and 8 (which can be a power point or a written)

1) will be discussed during the first session, each participant WILL be called upon to present

2) Complete 2 of 4, and present your choice as a picture or PowerPoint during the first session

3) Complete, and Be Prepared to present in the same manner as above

5) Be Prepared to present the six funstions either as a picture or PowerPoint

6) Have 2 or 3 ideas ready to discuss, we will decide during the first session

7) Be Prepared to present the 3 branches of government with a picture or PowerPoint. Scouts will be asked to review their picture or powerpoint in class

8) Present as a picture or PowerPoint 

“Discussion” requirements will be either with a counselor via emails (in accordance with Youth Protection Guidelines https://www., or with your counselor and a small group (of Scouts), depending upon your preference.

Please Complete Requirement 1 Before beginning work on other requirements for this merit badge research the following terms, and then explain to your merit badge counselor how you feel they relate to the Scout Oath and Scout Law:

  • Identities
  • Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Discrimination
  • Equity
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Equality
  • Upstander

Scouts should review all of the requirements, start their personal research on each of the topics covered in the requirements. Scouts should "Be Prepared" to discuss these topics during class and via email with the instructor. 

The focus of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to provide you with information on diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethical leadership. You’ll learn why these qualities are important in society and in Scouting, as well as how to help other people at all times and serve as a leader and an upstander. The Boy Scouts of America continues to be committed to developing a culture in which every youth, volunteer, and employee feels included and welcomed — and to building communities where every person feels respected and valued.

  • We welcome families and individuals of all backgrounds and identities to help prepare young people to serve as successful members and leaders of our nation’s increasingly diverse communities.
  • We are committed to creating inclusive environments and promoting a culture of respect and belonging for all.
  • We expect all members to be guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. o As found in the definition of “reverent” in the Scout Law, we expect our Scouts to “respect the beliefs of others,” both within and outside of Scouting.
  • We want everyone who follows the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law to feel welcomed and able to take advantage of the many opportunities Scouting provides, and we want every Scout to feel a sense of acceptance and inclusion in their unit and in Scouting.
  • We expect and appreciate that our Scouts do their best to make all feel welcomed.
    • Learning about and understanding different identities and abilities will help each Scout understand what to do to help make other Scouts feel welcomed and find a sense of belonging in Scouting.

By now in your journey as a Scout, you have probably completed other merit badges and become familiar with using the merit badge pamphlet that usually accompanies the requirements. The process of earning this merit badge will be different, as it intentionally places the responsibility of research and identification of resources on you instead of using a merit badge pamphlet.

  • You are encouraged to explore as deeply and broadly as you see fit for your personal learning and growth.
  • Your merit badge counselor may, for certain requirements, ask you to identify your sources.
  • Your counselor will not be providing you with answers or resources, but will be engaging you in conversation to ask about what you have learned and how you plan to apply your new knowledge to your life as a Scout and as a good citizen in society.
  • As you undertake these learnings, think about how you can demonstrate the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your daily life.
Scouts will need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Requirements 3, 4 and 7 will require reading the news paper, magazines, current event web sites, etc. Start by learning how to do this (with your parents supervision and permission). Scouts can use the resources listed at the end of the merit badge pamphlet.
All requirements outside of session – we will go over the requirements during the session and I will forward some materials that will help with some of the requirements
Before the session –Be prepared to share and discuss your collection and answer any of the questions in the requirements.  The first hour we go over the requirements and the second hour is yours.  Each scout will have approx. 4 minutes to share their collection. 
Scouts will need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Requirements 2,3 and 4 can be prepared before class. Depending on the level of class participation, some of these requirements could be done in the second class. Requirement 5, most meetings can be attended online or via cable tv. This is acceptable. The object of the requirement is to actively listen. Requirement 8 involves the scouts unit. This requirement will not be accomplished during the class times.
The requirements that need to be completed outside of the session are, 3a, 3c, 4, 5, 6. We do recommend waiting until after the class to start work on these items. We have had scouts start work and devote significant amounts of time on projects that did not meet the requirements. 
Work on requirements 4-7 if you choose. This is best worked on those after class.

2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8e  We will go over the requirements during the session.

Please preview the Merit Badge Pamplete, and be ready to turn in homework within 6 weeks of the class. 

Read the pamphlet. Come prepared how to modify a campsite to be accessible and two questions for a scout/service dog team for our discussion.


These can be completed after the class if the scout would liket to do so. The Scout's homework is to complete the First Aid merit badge (if they already have it, please send a picture of the blue card) which is requirement 1. They will also need to complete 2b, 2c, 7a and 7b, 8a, 8b (send a photo of the kit) and either a, b or c of requirement 9.

Please complete before class 1a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 6 .

This is an Eagle required merit badge. You should complete as many of the requirements as possible before class.

In class we will cover: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3d, 3g, and 5.

You are responsible for completing 3c, 3e, 3f, 4, and 6 outside of class. If done as pre-course work, these can be presented in class. If you do not have it ready for class, you can email me the requirements after, upon completion.

These can be completed after the class if the scout would liket to do so. There are no mandatory prerequisites for the Family Life Merit Badge class. However, there are a number of requirements that the Scout may start and/or complete prior to the class. Please review requirements 3, 4, 5 and 6. It is recommended that the Scout initiate requirement number 3 which is a 90-day chore chart." Number 6 just requires that a parent confirm that the discussion was held. I do not need any of the particulars of the meeting.
4 (bring clear tape, a pencil and paper) You can do this ahead of time and show the fingerprints on camera.  You will want to fingerprint yourself and one other person.  I fingerprint myself and my cat.  :)  Yes, my cat.
These can be completed after the class if the scout would liket to do so. The Scout's homework is to complete requirements 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in the workbook

Have possession of the First Aid merit badge book, have a unit leader send me an email verifying that you have completed your Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class first aid requirements. Homework: 5a with a photo of the kit, 5b, 7a, 8a, b, 10, b, 11 a-f, 12, 13a-o, 14 and 16. All demonstrations should be performed for a unit leader who will then send an email verification. Answer homework in the workbook, link to Workbook: Plus the required attendance code word.

Complete 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8B will be completed outside of the session. HERE is a fun Article from Bryan on Scouting
2,3,4b,5,6,7 – Anyone have any famous relatives they want to share?  
The requirements are 3,4 and 5 to be completed outside of the session. We do recommend waiting until after the class to start work on these items. We have had scouts start work and devote significant amounts of time on projects that did not meet the requirements. 

Requirements 5 and 9 need to be done outside of class and please come prepared to actively discuss the other requirements with the research already completed..

I’m glad that you will be joining me for the Home Repairs Merit Badge class. This is a fantastic Merit Badge that allows us to explore some of the more interesting systems in our homes, including the electrical and plumbing systems. It is ambitious of us to try to complete most of this Merit Badge in a single day.

Therefore, I am asking you to carefully prepare for this class to the best of your ability. In addition to reading the requirements for the badge (see following pages), I am asking you to make some other preparations as well:

1) If you have it available, read the entire Merit Badge Pamphlet for Home Repairs.

2) You need to have a basic toolbox. Please build a basic toolbox and have them with you for the class: (click the link to see the tool)

a. Hammer

b. Phillips screwdriver (#2 is the best all-around size, but you can use what you have)

c. Flat-tip screwdriver

d. Needle nose pliers

e. Adjustable crescent wrench

f. Channel-lock pliers

If you do not have one of these, they can be found inexpensively at hardware stores, often in the “bargain bin”. There is no need to go spend a large amount of money for the basic toolbox.

3) If you have them, the following would also be useful to you, but are OPTIONAL:

a. Wire Strippers

b. Utility or pocketknife

c. Ruler or tape measure

4) Print and complete a copy of the attached Home Repairs Workbook (see the following pages)

6) We will complete MOST of the badge at the class. If you wish to have the badge completely signed off, please complete the following before class: (note the special circumstance that parents ARE ALLOWED to supervise elements of THIS merit badge they will need to sign off on the workbook) Please remember a scout is trustworthy

two of (2) b, d, e, g or h

two of (3) a, b, c, d, f, or g

one of (5) b, c, or e

one of (6) a, b, d, e, or f

Be prepared to talk about the work you did and send photos, if you can.

Please complete Requirement 3 and be prepared to show your items in the session. If you choose to do the museum requirement, 3d, bring your artifact information to share.
Req 5a, 5b and 9

Please complete Requirements # 3 and #4 to present in class.

  • The Law Class is 3 consecutive weeks. Each class will be the same time and day as the first class that is listed where you registered.
  • Please see HERE for a link containing information (timeline, expectations, requirements, etc.)
Read the pamphlet, be prepared to discuss the answers to the requirements.  #10 can be done before or after the class. 
3, 4, 5 – Remember models must be scratch built, and not from a kit.  We can’t wait to see what you build.  Your model can also be edible. Lego models do not fulfill the requirements of this merit badge. 

Must play an instrument or belong to a choir and email the music of the piece you will play ahead of time for approval to - 1 (pick your own song and email it to me) do the illustration for 2, and 3 (we will do D-so pick A B or C for the second part)

  • The Nuclear Science Class is 3 consecutive weeks. Each class will be the same time and day as the first class that is listed where you registered.
  • Scouts need to be in Class A uniform.
  • Please see HERE for a link containing information (timeline, expectations, requirements, etc.)
  • Commencement of Requirement 4A prior to class is recommended due to time length.
  • Requirements 4d and 5c will require extracurricular field trips.
  • Completion of Req 2.b will be the “final exam” for all students and the last item to be completed. This will entail the purchase of materials needed to construct 3-D models. In most cases, these are Styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners.
  • There will be a separate Zoom session designated for each scout (with parent) to discuss final items if needed.

Before completing requirements 2 through 9, have your health-care practitioner give you a physical examination using the Scout medical examination form

Before Doing Requirements 7 and 8 Complete Requirement 6.

There is a lot of writing in this merit badge. Scouts will need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Requirement 2 should be started before the class. Requirements 3 and 4 are covered in the pamphlet. Scouts will still have to do them, and show their work. Requirement 8,9, and 10 can be done any time.
No outside requirements needed. Accepting a parents sign off as an exception to complete the badge.

All of these must be complete by the day we meet (since we only have one day) or the scout will receive a partial. 

  • Read Merit Badge Pamphlet
  • Must already have a Cyber Chip - will need to send me an email with a picture of their chip
  • Requirements 5a-c need to be complete before hand. This will include 3 different projects that meet the requirements explained in the requirement descriptions. Come prepared to share and explain these 3 projects as required by requirement 5d.
  • Find 3 careers, research and prepare to present on the training, education, and experience required for one of those careers (preferably the one you’re most interested in)

Please complete requirement 1 and 7

Here are 2 resources that are helpful for the class, Please review them before the class starts. 

Public Health Worksheet

Public Health Merit Badge

You will need to have your computer set up in a way that we can see you standing to make a presentation. All speeches will be presented in class. No pre-recorded speeches will be accepted.  You may work on your speeches in advance if you choose. 
4, 6, 7  We will go over the requirements during the session. 

Before the session - 2a and trip planning should be completed for discussion during the session.

Requirement 4. Please keep a robot engineering notebook to share with the counselor.  This is the robot we will be using, but it is not mandatory. Any programmable robot will do. An option for a robotics kit that will work for this badge from Amazon is linked HERE

These can be completed after the class if the scout would liket to do so. The Scout needs to complete requirements 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,and 8
2, 4, 5, 6 – We will have a panel of scouts over the age of 40.  Please be prepared to ask a question and write a thank you note for the panel.  I will also provide information to write the scout museum if you choose that option.  Hint: My son chose this option and they sent him something really cool.
For Search and Rescue: 4, 6, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 7c, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b and 10. For 9b, write how you would conduct the search if unable to actually do one. Either way, I need a report about it. For requirement 7, send me the street address, latitude/longitude and UTM coordinates for their home, school, Scout camp and one other location of their choosing as many are having trouble finding the USGS map. Link to Workbook:
7 marking the trail should be completed outside of the session.  I will go over this during the session.  There will also be other homework for this merit badge that we will go over during the session.  .. - / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / ..-. ..- -. 

2, 3, 5, 7  Please let me know if you have questions about which rocket to use for the launch.  We purchased the Estes pair with the launch pad set from Hobby Lobby or Amazon for approx. $20.  You can send video of the launch.  We will discuss the requirements and the ways to complete the requirements.

All requirements outside of session.  We will go over the requirements during the session.
Scouts should familiarize themselves with the badge requirements and research the subject matter. We will not be covering Requirement 1, except for the rationale behind why a surveyor needs to identify poisonous plants and animals in the area that they work.  The remaining parts of requirement 1 can be addressed by your local First Aid counselor.
Other Homework assigned is:  
  • Practical Application of measuring distances and angles
  • Compute error of closure and correct it for your parcel
  • Angles to Trees, Shrubs and Rocks
  • Be prepared to discussion with a Licensed Surveyor, including career opportunities and qualifications / preparations

A Scout is thrifty. Accordingly, the concept of sustainability has been a focus of scouting since the beginning.

This badge will challenge you and your family to evaluate how you use water, food, energy, and consumer goods as well as how your family's consumption habits also affect the world around you.

To accomplish the objectives for the Sustainability MB, you will need to do a substantial amount of work at home - the class periods will primarily allow you to share what you've learned with me and with your classmates. Some requirements mandate a month of tracking. I would prefer that you do as many of these ahead of time as possible, but as we don't have an entire month before our second class wraps us, you'll need to submit those month-long accomplishments to me afterwards. Like everything in life, the sooner you begin the sooner you'll be finished!  


Key areas where you should start working on now are highlighted in yellow. You can track your progress on the attached MS Word form or fillable .pdf form. You can also find these files here:

  1. Before starting work on any other requirements for this merit badge, write in your own words the meaning of sustainability. Explain how you think conservation and stewardship of our natural resources relate to sustainability. Have a family meeting, and ask family members to write down what they think sustainability means. Be sure to take notes. You will need this information again for requirement 5.
  2. Do the following:
    • Water. Do A AND either B OR C.
      1. Develop and implement a plan that attempts to reduce your family's water usage. As a family, discuss water usage. To aid in your discussion, if past water bills are available, you may choose to examine a few. As a family, choose three ways to help reduce water consumption. Implement those ideas for one month. Share what you learn with your counselor, and tell how you think your plan affected your family's water usage.
      2. Using a diagram you have created, explain to your counselor how your household gets its clean water from a natural source and what happens with the water after you use it. Include water that goes down the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry drains, and any runoff from watering the yard or washing the car. Tell two ways to preserve your family's access to clean water in the future.
      3. Discuss with your counselor two areas in the world that have been affected by drought over the last three years. For each area, identify a water conservation practice (successful or unsuccessful) that has been used. Tell whether the practice was effective and why. Discuss what water conservation practice you would have tried and why.
    • Food. Do A AND either B OR C.
      1. Develop and implement a plan that attempts to reduce your household food waste. Establish a baseline and then track and record your results for two weeks. Report your results to your family and counselor.
      2. Discuss with your counselor the ways individuals, families, and communities can create their own food sources (potted plants, family garden, rooftop garden, neighborhood or community garden). Tell how this plan might contribute to a more sustainable way of life if practiced globally.
      3. Discuss with your counselor factors that limit the availability of food and food production in different regions of the world. Tell three ways these factors influence the sustainability of worldwide food supplies.
    • Community. Do A AND either B OR C.
      1. Draw a rough sketch depicting how you would design a sustainable community. Share your sketch with your counselor, and explain how the housing, work locations, shops, schools, and transportation systems affect energy, pollution, natural resources, and the economy of the community.
      2. With your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, interview a local architect, engineer, contractor, or building materials supplier. Find out the factors that are considered when using sustainable materials in renovating or building a home. Share what you learn with your counselor.
      3. Review a current housing needs assessment for your town, city, county, or state. Discuss with your counselor how birth and death rates affect sufficient housing, and how a lack of housing—or too much housing— can influence the sustainability of a local or global area.
    • Energy. Do A AND either B OR C.
      1. Learn about the sustainability of different energy sources, including fossil fuels, solar, wind, nuclear, hydropower, and geothermal. Find out how the production and consumption of each of these energy sources affects the environment and what the term "carbon footprint" means. Discuss what you learn with your counselor, and explain how you think your family can reduce its carbon footprint.
      2. Develop and implement a plan to reduce the consumption of one of your family's household utilities that consume energy, such as gas appliances, electricity, heating systems, or cooling systems. Examine your family's bills for that utility reflecting usage for three months (past or current). As a family, choose three ways to help reduce consumption and be a better steward of this resource. Implement those ideas for one month. Share what you learn with your counselor, and tell how your plan affected your family's usage.
      3. Evaluate your family's fuel and transportation usage. Review your family's transportation-related bills (gasoline, diesel, electric, public transportation, etc.) reflecting usage for three months (past or current). As a family, choose three ways to help reduce consumption and be a better steward of this resource. Implement those ideas for one month. Share what you learn with your counselor, and tell how your plan affected your family's transportation habits.
    • Stuff. Do A AND either B OR C.
      1. Keep a log of the "stuff" your family purchases (excluding food items) for two weeks. In your log, categorize each purchase as an essential need (such as soap) or a desirable want (such as a DVD). Share what you learn with your counselor.
      2. Plan a project that involves the participation of your family to identify the "stuff" your family no longer needs. Complete your project by donating, repurposing, or recycling these items.
      3. Discuss with your counselor how having too much "stuff" affects you, your family, and your community. Include the following: the financial impact, time spent, maintenance, health, storage, and waste. Include in your discussion the practices that can be used to avoid accumulating too much "stuff."
  3. Do the following:
    1. Explain to your counselor how the planetary life-support systems (soil, climate, freshwater, atmospheric, nutrient, oceanic, ecosystems, and species) support life on Earth and interact with one another.
    2. Tell how the harvesting or production of raw materials (by extraction or recycling), along with distribution of the resulting products, consumption, and disposal/repurposing, influences current and future sustainability thinking and planning.
  4. Explore TWO of the following categories. Have a discussion with your family about the two you select. In your discussion, include your observations, and best and worst practices. Share what you learn with your counselor.
    1. Plastic waste. Discuss the impact plastic waste has on the environment (land, water, air). Learn about the number system for plastic recyclables, and determine which plastics are more commonly recycled. Find out what the trash vortex is and how it was formed.
    2. Electronic waste. Choose three electronic devices in your household. Find out the average lifespan of each, what happens to these devices once they pass their useful life, and whether they can be recycled in whole or part. Discuss the impact of electronic waste on the environment.
    3. Food waste. Learn about the value of composting and how to start a compost pile. Start a compost pile appropriate for your living situation. Tell what can be done with the compost when it is ready for use.
    4. Species decline. Explain the term species (plant or animal) decline. Discuss the human activities that contribute to species decline, what can be done to help reverse the decline, and its impact on a sustainable environment.
    5. World population. Learn how the world's population affects the sustainability of Earth. Discuss three human activities that may contribute to putting Earth at risk, now and in the future.
    6. Climate change. Find a world map that shows the pattern of temperature change for a period of at least 100 years. Share this map with your counselor, and discuss three factors that scientists believe affect the global weather and temperature. Discuss with your counselor three impacts of climate change and how these changes could impact sustainability of food, water, or other resources.
  5. Do the following:
    1. After completing requirements 1 through 4, have a family meeting. Discuss what your family has learned about what it means to be a sustainable citizen. Talk about the behavioral changes and life choices your family can make to live more sustainably. Share what you learn with your counselor.
    2. Discuss with your counselor how living by the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your daily life helps promote sustainability and good stewardship.
  6. Learn about career opportunities in the sustainability field. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required. Discuss what you have learned with your counselor and explain why this career might interest you.

Under requirement 2, you and your family might enjoy watching "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" if you have Netflix.

1, 2, 3  We will go over the requirements during the session.
Req. 1, 2, & 3
2a, 3, 4a, 5  We will discuss the requirements for this merit badge and will go over the remaining requirements to be completed at home with a parent or guardian.
1, 4, 8 – Mr. Mike has spent many years as an over the road truck driver.  If you are unable to find a truck driver to interview, please let us know and we can set up a separate Zoom session for your scout and a parent.  We will always have two deep leadership during these sessions.

5, 6, 9, 10  We will go over the requirements during the session.

1b, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11  We will go over the requirements during the session.

This class is being offered in partnership with the Nantahala Outdoor Center. Their Professional Wilderness trainer is setting up this course with years of outdoor survival skills training, both being trained, and being the trainer. These classes are usually over $250 per person.

The pre-coursework is to watch a powerpoint slide and prepare the homework listed with in it. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE CLASS. Please email James Hylemon to receive a link to this presentation.

The Nantahala Outdoor Center is one of the area’s largest outdoor adventure centers, with Ziplining, Rafting, Canoeing, Kayaking, and much more! Visit their site if you would like to learn more about them:

  • Requirement 1 and 2 should be completed before class.
  • Complete ONE merit badge from the following list. Choose one you have not already used for another NOVA Award.) After completion, discuss with your counselor how the merit badge you earned uses engineering
    1. Archery
    2. Aviation
    3. Composite Materials
    4. Drafting
    5. Electronics
    6. Engineering
    7. Inventing
    8. Mining in Society
    9. Model Design and Building
    10. Railroading
    11. Rifle Shooting
    12. Robotics
    13. Shotgun Shooting

Requirement 1 and 2 should be completed before class.

  • We will be going over all of the requirements together and discuss what needs to be done to earn the merit badge. We will be completing some requirements together and the remainder will be homework. We dont usually have Pre-reqs for this one, but requirements to be completed outside of the sesson. I like for us to review the material so the scouts can ask questions before being tasked with completing the work.