How to Access and Print Blue Cards


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Click on the event type you would like to print Blue Cards for (Summer Camp, Scouting at home, etc.).



NOTE: If you are searching for an older event and cannot find it under the "Available Events" tab, click on "My Past Events".



Click the specific event you would like to run the reports for (specific week at camp,  month for Scouting at Home, or year for Merit Badge College).



At the middle of the page next to the “Participants” heading, click on the "REPORTS" button.



In the drop down, select "Rquirements Completed, PDF" to view what requirements have been entered for your scouts. This sheet will qualify for most Scout leaders and most councils.


If you prefer blue cards:

  1. Select "Blue Cards Front, PDF."
  2. Print.
  3. Select "Blue Cards Back, PDF."
  4. Print. Be sure to check that the fronts are lined up in the printer the correct way before you print the backs.