Eagle Recognition Banquet


Mar 16, 2024 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm



Trinity United Methodist Church
587 Haywood Rd
Asheville, NC 28806


Purpose of NESA Banquet: Recognize our 2023 Class of Eagle Scout, as well as our Eagle Project of the Year & NESA Scholarship Recipients. We will also introduce & recognize our Eagle Class Honoree.

When: Saturday, March 16th. Check-in starts @ 5:30. We will have Eagle Project Notebooks available to pick-up at this time (from project of the year judging), as well as past NESA Council Strip sales. Supper will start @ 6:00 & the evenings program soon after.

Where: Trinity United Methodist Church (587 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806)

Cost of the Banquet: There is no cost for the 2023 Eagle Class, and children under 8. However, there is a $25 per person cost for parents/families, Scouts, Scout Leaders & Friends of Scouting. We are also accepting donations to help cover the costs of Eagle Scout meals, Scholarship & program supplies.

Each Eagle Scout will need to Be Prepared to announce their name, unit #, & Eagle Project title at the podium prior to receiving recognition from the Eagle Class Honorees.

SPONSOR AN EAGLE: This year we are offering you a chance to congratulate your Eagle in our Program similar to the senior section of the yearbook. $50 will give you a 1/2 page ad in the Program at the banquet. It will also cover the cost of their meal at the banquet, and the awards and recognition items given to the Eagle Scouts. 

Harry "Doc" Summerlin Eagle Project of the Year... All 2023 Eagle Scouts were mailed “The Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award” Application. If you want to submit Your Eagle Project Notebook for consideration of DBC Eagle Project of the Year, you Must have made sure your Eagle Project Notebook is turned in to the Scout Office by January 31th so that we can start the judging early the next week. We will select the Top 3 Eagle Projects for 2023 & those will be recognized at the Eagle Banquet. The Winning Project will be sent to National to compete in the Territory and National Project of the Year!

The Bobby Yount NESA Scholarship- Deadline for applying for the DBC NESA Scholarship is January 31th. The NESA Committee will make their decision & the Eagle Scout will be recognized at the NESA Banquet.