
Silver Beaver


Nomination Form


Year Last Name First Name
1931 Thrall Brainard
1932 Barker OC
1933 Jarvis Hubert
1934 Peyton Whythe
1935 Love Harry W
1936 Lipinsky Morris
1937 Schaffle Karl
1938 Ordway LB
1939 Adams AM
1940 Thorne Walter H
1941 Arthur JN
1941 Hauser James L
1942 Lockwood Fred C
1942 Waters Fred M
1943 Bales Clarence A
1943 Moody Robert C
1944 Hatley James E
1944 Patla Nathan
1945 Ensor WE
1945 Rhoades Verne
1946 Burgess BC
1946 Kennedy JT
1947 Colkitt BE
1947 Montieth Hugh
1948 Biggerstaff Lloyd
1948 Stewart Carl
1949 Gardner FB
1949 Robinson Samuel
1950 Gambrell ME
1950 Peyton Carlton
1951 Devendorf Wilbur
1951 Morgan Rufus
1952 Moore Charles
1952 Vance David
1953 Damtoft WJ
1953 Edwards AV
1954 Hawkins Roy W
1954 Hennessee WC
1955 Lantz Moore
1955 Matthews Harry  
1955 Porter EL
1956 Bowles MH
1956 Nichols David M
1956 Plummer Arnold
1957 McGlamery BJ
1957 McLean WD
1957 Wilson Minor P
1958 Bean Carmer D
1958 Edwards John
1958 McKeever HL
1959 Gates Louis E
1959 Mapp Walter  
1959 Ray Joe E
1960 Allen AW
1960 Gennett Andrew
1960 Hyde Ernest
1960 Robertson Reuben
1961 Lindsley Charles
1961 Lowrance Floyd E
1961 Warren Bennett
1962 Biddix Frank W
1962 Garrison William B
1962 Smith Justin W
1963 Harnist Milton
1963 Jordan John
1963 White William  
1963 Williams RR
1964 Harrison Tom C
1964 Hughes A Guy
1964 Lassiter William Cecil
1964 Lipinsky Morris
1965 Brown John L
1965 Bryant EO
1965 Ledbetter John W
1965 Sudderth Frank  
1966 Conington John
1966 Elias Bernard
1966 King Beryl
1966 VanValkenburgh William
1967 Anthony James
1967 Daniel David
1967 Gibson Daniel
1967 Penland Hilliard
1968 Anderson James
1968 Boggs Marvin
1968 Chiles John
1968 Conley Lyndon
1968 Harrison William
1969 Clark Clyde
1969 DeCoster James
1969 Graham Henry
1969 Manuel John
1969 Rocamora Leon
1970 Corbin Clarence "Buck"
1970 Green William
1970 Hillyer John
1970 Pless John Edward
1971 Allen Mrs. AW
1971 Fender James
1971 Gustafson Dick
1971 Lollar David
1972 Burrell Clarence
1972 Campbell George
1972 Hampton Earl
1972 MacElprang Patsy
1972 Pickett John
1973 Baley James
1973 Clontz Nelson
1973 Kemp Arnold
1973 Massie TN
1973 Sorrells Thelma
1974 Arden Bill
1974 Edwards Bill
1974 Taylor Bill
1974 Westall James
1975 Fisher Robert  
1975 Furr James
1975 McLean WD
1976 Farr Elizabeth
1976 Mielke Lweis
1976 Russell Wilbur
1977 Ammen Langdon
1977 Hallowell Tom  
1977 Stone Doris
1978 Farr Charles
1978 Rowe Chuck
1978 Tennent Charles
1978 Wright Harry
1979 Byas Vivian
1979 Youngblood Ken
1980 Dean Ryaburn
1980 Sprott Gordon
1980 Vaughn Silas
1981 Sheldon Arnold
1981 Todd Frank
1981 Wampler Garland
1982 Huters Bill
1982 Law Melvin
1982 Swift Lloyd
1983 Atkinson Tom
1983 Frady Hampton
1983 Lively John
1983 White Wiley
1984 Atkinson Carol
1984 Frost Ed
1984 Gash Robert
1985 Harrell Norman
1985 Orrok Neale
1985 Rice Margaret
1986 Elliott Earl
1986 McAfoos Robert
1986 Smith Luther
1986 Summerlin Harry
1987 Baker Eugene
1987 Hurley Richard
1987 Mason Charles
1987 Reese Ted
1988 Auberry Horace
1988 Momot Dave
1988 Rice John
1988 Street Jimmy
1989 Frick Harry
1989 McMullen William
1989 Mitchell Daniel
1989 Oberg Sven
1989 Rowe Art
1990 Collins Jack
1990 Sink David
1990 Sprague Peter
1990 Teeter John
1991 Barnett Randy
1991 Fulmer Joe  
1991 Seleska Rose
1991 Sutton Jane
1992 Brooks Tom
1992 Frost Jack
1992 Jones Tom
1992 Westall Jack
1992 Willis Dale
1993 Banning Glenn
1993 Banning Karen
1993 Ensley Neal  
1993 Horton William
1993 Jones Jack
1993 Kinsland Mike
1994 Dyar Bill
1994 Krause Richard
1994 Little Dan
1994 Smith Steve
1995 Escaravage George
1995 Gmyr Jerry
1995 Henderson Don
1995 Phillips Susan
1996 Fowlkes Samuel
1996 Henderson Wendy
1996 Hughes Russell
1996 Montcastle John
1996 Winchester Phil
1997 Atkinson David
1997 Brooks Robin
1997 Keever EA 
1997 Persons Sue
1997 Shuler Charles
1998 Clayton Barry
1998 Knaperek Alison
1998 Krug Charles
1998 Smathers Phil
1998 Thorp Kay
1998 Thorp Stuart
1999 Armstrong Council (Pete)
1999 Goacher William
1999 Hutchins Greg
1999 Kurtts James
1999 Mills Kenneth
1999 Smith Garrick (Doogan)
2000 Eaton Kathy
2000 Kuehn Melinda
2000 Lindsey George
2000 Mahaffey Missy
2000 White Edgar (Ted)
2001 Campbell Doug
2001 Cole David
2001 Hauss Wilson
2001 Loomis Ralph
2001 Vizzini Charles
2002 Hink Melissa
2002 Moninghoff Rick
2002 Moon Doug
2002 Roper Carroll
2002 Stevens Mitch
2003 Bertolini Chris
2003 Madill Jay
2003 Pittman Rebecca
2003 Simmons Robert (Hub)
2003 Ward Jhon
2004 DiYorio Peggy
2004 Morse True   
2004 Pitcox Lee (Dave)
2005 Crane Tamera
2005 Simpson Peggy
2006 Arthur Alec
2006 Bowers Frankie
2006 Kuykendall Lewis
2006 Lambert Hugh
2006 Williams Phil
2007 McFarland Ed
2007 Morgan Chris
2007 Shipley Colleen
2008 Graves Michael
2008 Schweikert Jennifer
2008 Smith Jonathan
2008 Whitson David
2009 Burrell David
2009 Davis Scott
2009 Madill Judy
2009 Mann Mike
2010 McCue Michael
2010 Perusi Ron
2010 Potts Phillip Jeffery
2011 Baxevanis Nick
2011 Chambers Joel
2011 Raber Daniel B
2011 Salley Edward (Mack)
2012 Davis Terry
2012 Estes Dexter
2012 Johnson Tony
2012 Webster Bryant
2013 Moncrief Scott
2013 Holshue Karen
2013 Page Dr. Stephen
2014 Broadhurst Dr. Rick
2014 Lampley John
2014 Melville Peggy
2015 Hollifiled Eddie
2015 Keller Phil
2015 Beitler Laurie
2016 Kayne David
2016 Monroe Bridget
2016 Leveritt James
2017 David Hotchkiss
2017 William Arledge
2018 Cheadle Adam
2018 Owenby Michael "Shane"
2018 Romagnuolo Andrew
2019 Portelli Alex "Alpo"
2019 Reinhardt Christopher
2019 Swing Dwayne
2020 Corbin Walt
2020 Hylemon Randal
2020 Rector Michael
2021 Rector Melissa
2021 Williams Chris
2022 Williams Jerry
2022 Gittings Carl
2023 Jack Caldwell
2023 Dr. Michael Parmer

Life Time Achievement Award


Year Name
2023 David Atkinson
2023 Don Henderson
2022 Dan Little
2022 David Cole
2021 Eddie Hollifield
2021 Tom Harrison
2020 Phil Smathers
2020 Wally Culbertson
2019 Phillip "Red X" Keller
2019 Neal Ensley
2018 J. Edgar McFarland
2018 Arnold "Skip" Sheldon
2017 William Goacher
2017 Paul Mann
2016 Robert Jones
2015 Charlie Krug
2015 Dan Raber
2014 Harry Frick
2014 Chuck Vizzini
2013 Langdon Ammen
2013 Leon Rocamora
2013 Ray Dean
2013 Bob McAfoos
2012 Dale Willis
2012 Tom Atkinson
2011 Bob Litten
2011 Lloyd Switf
2010 Dr. Harry Summerlin, Jr.
2010 Melvin Law


District Award of Merit


This is not a complete list. If you know of a name or date we can update, please email

Nomination Form


Year Name
- Frank Aaron
1996 C. J. (Pete) Armstrong
- Alec Arthur
- Bob Ash
- David Atkinson
- Ellis Ayers
- Ruffin Ayers
- Gene Baker
- Glenn Banning
- Karen Banning
- Nick Baxevanis
- Rick Bayless
- Laurie Beitler
- Vicki Benevides
2016 Brad Blackburn
- Bob Bolt
- Al Bowers
- Reiko Bowers
- Henri Boyea
- Robin Brooks
- Tom Brooks
2012 Mark Brown
- Earl Bryant
- Kathy Bryant
- Mitzi Buchanan
- Doug Campbell
- Larry Chapman
- Adam Cheadle
- Ken Clark
- Jim Climo
- Walt Corbin
- Kathy Corn
- Bruce Crawford
- Becca Dion
- Peggy DiYorio
- Cathy Dorner
- (Ralph) Buddy Duckett
- Kathy Eaton
- Vonda Fair
- Tom Foss
2006 Jennifer Fox
2007 Shane Fox
- Ralph Freeman
- Jack C Frost
- Edward Frost, III
- Jim Furr
- Sandra Germain
- Wayne Germain
2016 Carl Gittings
2017 Lisa Maria Gittings
- Jerry Gmyr
- Kerrie Gosnell
- Jud Gowin
- Gosia Graves
  Michael Graves
- Dick Gustafson
- Ken Hadermann
- Gerry Haggerty
- Larry Harmon
- Ed Harrelson
- Norman Harrill
- Wilson Hauss
- Robert Hemsath
- Don Henby
- Don Henderson
- Wendy Henderson
- Bill Hill
- Melissa Hink
- Eddie Hollifield
- Bill Huters
2008 Randal Hylemon
- Brent Janowiak
2017 Erik Johanson
- Bob Jones
- Jimmy Jones
- Robert Justus
- Jim Karegeannes
- David Kayne
- Phil Keller
- Becky Kelly
- Alison Knaperek
- Ed Knaperek
- Angie Knight
- Jim Kurtts
- Lewis Kuykendall
- Greg Lancaster
- Mitzi Layell
- James Leveritt
- Debbie Ludwig
- William McGee
- Karen McGrade
- Tracy McIntyre
- Jack McKenzie
- Robin McKenzie
- Dennis McKinna
- Harold McLaughlin
- Mike McManus
2017 Kim McNeilly
- Joe Miller
- Scott Moncrief
- Bridget Monroe
- Doug Moon
- Charlie Moore
- Chris Morgan
- Romona Newton
- Leonard Nix
- Bert Noggle
- Louise Orr
- Virginia Osteen
- Steve Ours
- Cary Pace
- Julia Pacilli
- Susan Phillips
- Becky Pittman
- Lee Poppy
- Alex “Alpo” Portelli
- Chuck Ramsey
- Jill Raymer
- Melissa Rector
- Mike Rector
- Ten N. Reese
- James Rentz
- Keith Rice
- Andy Romagnuolo
- Art Rowe
- Gottfried Schlembach
- Jenni Schweikert
- Donovan Scully
- Skip Shelton
- Kay Shurtleff
- Hub Simmons
- Barbara Smith
- Garrick “Doogan” Smith
- Luther Smith
- Gordon Sprott
- Brenda Stepp
- Danny Stewart
- Lance Stewart
1988 Harry Summerlin
- Bob Taulbert
- Russ Taylor
- Bill Thomas
- Babette Thompson
- Kay Thorpe
- Stewart Thorpe
- Fred Van Itallie
- Dave Wahus
- Charles Webb
2016 Chris Williams
- Matt Williams
- Mike Williams
- Robin Williams
2018 Russ Williams
- Susan Wilson
1994 Phil Winchester
- Misty Woody
- Donna Wyatt
- Henry Young


National Outstanding Eagle


Year Name
2023 Randall Barnett
2023 David Cole
2022 John Mills
2022 Bobby Yount
2021 Phil Smathers
2021 Tom Atkinson
2020 Joel Chambers
2020 Ted White
2019 Peter Sprague
2019 Mike Mann
2019 Peter Sprague
2018 Dr. Harry Summerlin, Jr
2018 Richard Hurley
2018 David Atkinson
2017 Everett "Rusty" Rollins, III
2017 Don Henderson
2016 Bryant Webster
2016 Gregory Hutchins
2015 Luther Smith
2014 Pete Armstrong
2013 Dr. Ralph Loomis


James E. West Recipients


A gift to a local council, designated by the donor to the council endowment fund, qualifies for membership as a James E. West fellow.  The gift must be in addition to— and not replace or diminish—the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support.  A minimum gift of $1000 in cash or marketable securities qualifies for the Bronze level membership. Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond member levels.  For example, 5 years of giving at the Bronze level would qualify for Silver level membership.  Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else—such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary—or in memory of a special individual.                                                                                                                                                                                          













Nomination Form


Year Name year
2023 Gail E. Brown Bronze
2023 Jason Walls Bronze
2022 Hank Bridsong Bronze
2022 Christopher Rollins Bronze
2022 L. David Smith Bronze
2022 Terry Quackenbush Bronze
2021 Ralph Griffith Bronze
2021 James R. Hylemon Bronze
2017-2021 Robert W Jones Diamond
2021 David Kayne Bronze
2021 Melinda L Kuehn Bronze
2021 John Nixon Bronze
2021 Luther Elly Smith Bronze
2021 Shayla Steen Bronze
2020 Alex Arldt Bronze
2020 Richard L. Clapp Bronze
2020 Petter Greina Bronze
2020 John Lloyd Kirk Bronze
2020 Bob McAfoos Gold
2020 Bridget E Monroe Bronze
2020 Shane Owenby Bronze
2020 Rebecca Johnston Reinhardt Bronze
2020 Christopher Reinhardt Bronze
2020 Frank Winston Shearin, III Bronze
2020 Andrew Sheldon Bronze
2019 David Atkinson Bronze
2019 Richard Broadhurst Bronze
2019 Paul Christ Bronze
2019 John Lampley Bronze
2019 Bill Osborn Bronze
2019 Andrew Romagnuolo Bronze
2018 Weldon Clinard Bronze
2018 Brian Engle Bronze
2018 Thomas C. Foss Bronze
2018 Randal Hylemon Bronze
2012-2018 James Karegeannes Silver
2018 Grace C. Karegeannes Bronze
2018 Becky Kuykendall Bronze
2018 Michael Nelson in Memory Bronze
2018 Michael Parmer Bronze
2018 Jeffrey David Putnam Bronze
2018 L.D. Walker (In Honor) Bronze
2018 Bobby Lon Yount Bronze
2017 Bill Arledge Bronze
2017 Joshua Christ Bronze
2017 Jennifer Fox Bronze
2017 William E. Gibbs Bronze
2017 O'Brien S. Gibbs Bronze
2017 John L. Karegeannes Bronze
2017 Todd Newnam, Sr. Bronze
2017 Michael Shane Owenby Bronze
2017 Alpo Portelli Bronze
2017 Everertt F. Rollins IV Bronze
2017 David C. Sheldon Bronze
2017 Luther Smith Bronze
2017 Lloyd Swift Bronze
2017 Congressman Charles Taylor Bronze
2017 Robert Windsor Bronze
2016 Anonnomous Gold
2016 Marc Asaad Bronze
2016 Randall Barnett Bronze
2016 John Evans Bronze
2016 Tony Johnson Bronze
2016 Mike McCue Bronze
2016 Sue Persons Bronze
2015 Pierce Asaad Bronze
2015 Brady M Blackburn, Jr. Bronze
2015 Dr. Toby Cole, Sr Bronze
2015 Robert Gettman Bronze
2015 Dan Little Bronze
2015 Peggy Melville Bronze
2015 Arnold C Sheldon III Bronze
2015 Brian Sinders Bronze
2015 Michael Garrick Smith Bronze
2014 Margaret "Peggy" Baillie Bronze
2014 Joel Chambers Bronze
2014 William Dyar Bronze
2014 Jack Frost Bronze
2014 Gwendolyn Litten Bronze
2014 Robert Chris Morgan Bronze
2014 Stephen L. Page Bronze
2012-2014 Daniel Raber Bronze
2014 Allen Buck Trott Bronze
2014 Phillip Winchester Bronze
2013 Connie Bowes Bronze
2013 Brian Estler Bronze
2013 Larry Harmon Bronze
2013 Paul Hollier Bronze
2013 Marcia Hollifield Bronze
2013 Richard Hurley Bronze
2013 Tom Knoebber Bronze
2013 John Scott Moncrief Bronze
2013 David Wells Bronze
2012 Amy Heller Bronze
2011 Derrick Bailey Bronze
2011 Alice Courtland Bronze
2010 Bryson Christy Bronze
2010 Bernard Elias Bronze
2009 Charles Duke Bronze
2009 Paul Mann Bronze
2009 Eddie Reece Bronze
2009 Steve Sizemore Bronze
2008 Daniel Little Bronze
2007 Haynes Wire Co. Bronze
2007 Rev. A Fran Gordon Bronze
2007 Charles Robert Taylor Bronze
2006 W.R. (Bill) Goacher Bronze
2006 David & Sandra Millikan Bronze
2006 John R. Rose Bronze
2005 Im Ok Armstrong Bronze
2005 Rayburn H. Dean Bronze
2005 Robert H. Goacher Bronze
2005 Arthur Hemphill Bronze
2005 Greg Hutchins Bronze
2005 Cecil C. Hutchins Bronze
2005 Robert Litten Bronze
2005 John Nichols Bronze
2005 Allen Ray Bronze
2005 Luther E. Smith Bronze
2005 John C. Youngblood Bronze
2004 Clarence Burrell Bronze
2004 David Burrell Bronze
2004 Wendy Henderson Bronze
2004 David W. Sink, Jr. Bronze
2004 Ed McFarland Bronze
2004 Mamie Rosemond Bronze
2003 Charles Krug Bronze
2003 Kay Thorp Bronze
2002 Tom Atkinson Bronze
2002 Carol Atkinson Bronze
2002 Russell Boardman Bronze
2002 Frankie Bowers Bronze
2002 Johnnie Wadsworth Bronze
2002 Portia C. White Bronze
2001 Gloria Garrison Bronze
2001 Peter H. Sprague, Jr Bronze
2001 Stephen Smith Bronze
2001 Harry Summerlin Bronze
2000 Tamra Crane Bronze
2000 Eddie Hollifield Bronze
2000 Phillip I. Keller Bronze
2000 Tom Speck Bronze
2000 Gladys A. Yeager Bronze
1999 John W. Ledbetter Bronze
1999 Hub Simmons Bronze
1998 Anonnomous Bronze
1998 Dr. Colleen Cody Bronze
1998 Donald N. Henderson Bronze
1998 William Huters, Sr. Bronze
1998 Charles Mason Bronze
1998 Skip Sheldon Silver
1997 Anonnomous Bronze
1997 Dr. Robert Armstrong Bronze
1997 Kenneth Clark Bronze
1997 Neal Ensley Bronze
1997 Ken Hadermann Bronze
1997 William Harrison Bronze
1997 Alan N. Lobeck Bronze
1995, 1997 Ralph Loomis Bronze
1997 Charles H. Loomis Bronze
1997 Ivan B Stafford Bronze
1997 Harold Starr Bronze
1996 John D. Teeter Bronze
1995 Council Armstrong Bronze
1995 William L. Dyar Bronze
1995 Esther Ikard Bronze
1995 Floyd E. Lowrance Bronze
1995 Leon Rocamora Bronze
1995 G. Stuart Thorp Bronze
1994 Henry P. Escaravage Bronze
1994 A.H. Frady Bronze
1994 Michael K. Graves Bronze
1994 Bob McAfoos Bronze
1994 Eleanor Shirley Bronze
1994 E.F. White Bronze
1993 Russell Hughes Bronze
1993 Robert D. Litten Bronze


Distinguished Citizens


Year Name Association
2023 Oscar Wong Highland Brewing Founder
2022 K. Ray and Glenda Bailey      Retired AB Tech President
2021     Joe and Janice Brumit Brumit Group (Arby's)
2020 John Teeter Pepsi
2019 Neal Hanks Beverly Hanks and Associates
2018 Lewis Ledford State Parks Superintendant
2017 Cassius Cash Great Smokey Mountain National Park
2016 Jennifer Pharr Davis  Hiker, Public Speaker


OA Founders Award Recipients


Date Name Name
1983 Jeffrey Gray Carmer Bean
1984 David Atkinson Norman Harrill
1985 Jeffrey Cole Thomas Atkinson
1986 David Kafitz Jim Hatley
1987 Tony Rice Melvin Law
1988 Steve Curtis Harry Frick
1989 Dallas Hicks George Todd
1990 Brian McMullen McMullen
1991 Greg Galloway Ted White
1992 Burney Mack Ken Hadermann
1993 Heath Kinsland Dan Little
1994 Ryan Banning Glen Banning
1995 Bill Hixson William Horton
1996 Greg Bias Bob Taubert
1997 Robbie Southern Mitchell Stevens
1998 Tee Pruitt Henry Goodson
1999 Jason Laney Charlie Krug
2000 Todd Knaperek Al Cauble
2001 Bob Litten Bob Litten
2002 William Barry Hub Simmons
2003 Brian Simpson Chris Bertolini
2004 Chris Hoover Jhon Ward
2005 James Greene Keith Sharpton
2006 Adam Kuykendall Bill Dyar
2007 Brian Boushey Lewis Kuykendall
2008 Mark Birdsong Hank Birdsong
2009 Mitchell May Eddie Hollifield
2010 Scott Martin Garrick Smith
2011 Zach Pruitt Harry Summerlin
2012 James Hylemon Benjamin Birdsong
2013 Ashby Gale Richard Hulme
2014 Travis Broadhurst DiGregorio
2015 Kevin Elliot Tony Johnson
2016 Lucas Johnson Randall Barnett
2017 Pierce Asaad David Kayne
2018 Eli Kayne Michael Nail
2019 Zach Haas Shane Owenby
2020 Davis Roberts Tyler Cole
2021 Samuel Brown Weldon Clinard
2022 Nathan Gates Matty Gates


OA Vigil Honor Members


Date Name Vigil Name
1949 William Roth The Great Warrior
1950 Vernon McCurry The Prince
1952 Clayton McCrackin Big Hearted One
1952 Francis Pless The Woodsman
1953 Robert Garner Leading Chief
1954 Gene Cocke He Is a Man
1955 Carmer Bean A Leader
1957 Thomas Speed Flying Messenger
1957 William Lassiter Standing Deer
1959 Davis Nichols Little Big Man
1959 Geoffrey Cooper One Who Shoots
1959 William Smith Great Tree Top
1960 Frank Biddix Young Deer
1960 Joe Fulmer Young Beaver
1961 Charles Reeves Handsome
1961 Paul Willis Excel All Others
1962 John Crawford Peace Maker
1962 Paul Cabe Squirrel
1964 Charles Worley Chief
1964 Ernie Hansel He of the Beautiful Place
1964 Minor Wilson Feathers of All Kinds
1964 Richard Hurley Place of Friends
1965 Eugene Hansel Star
1965 Jerry Starnes Middle of the Day
1965 Pat Mitchell First in the Dance
1965 Tom Harrison Strong and Mighty
1965 W.M Vanvalkenburgh Medicine Man
1966 M. Hansel Water Carrier
1966 Mike Williams The Traveler
1966 Ronald Kirby Efficient
1966 Thomas Dillard Lightening Bug
1967 Charles Arthur Enchanted Lake
1967 Clarence Burrell Town House
1967 Daren Hutcheson He of the Lookout Place
1967 Gary Jensen Water Side
1967 John Brown Frost Walker
1968 Dan Collier Buffalo
1968 George Benning The Great Bull
1968 James Hutcheson All Afire
1968 Max Hughes Standing in the Center
1969 C. Corbin Humming Bird
1969 David Putnam Deer
1969 James Lollar Beaver
1969 John Ledbetter I Think
1969 Robert McKinney He Is Fast
1969 Ronald Edwards Drum
1969 William Green Bee
1970 Doug Van Valkenburgh Little Chief
1970 Eddie Gash Chief
1970 James Furr Hello
1970 James Lipe Big Man
1970 Jamie Soesbee Jim
1970 Jimmy Garren Pond
1970 Johnathan Jones Lamp
1970 Loren Brown Ruler
1970 Richard Stansbury Doctor
1970 Timothy Wilson First
1971 Bill Dyar Arrow Maker
1971 Brad Ripple Chipmunk
1971 Franklin Gordon Night Hawk
1971 Henry Graham Happy
1971 J. Arden Tall
1971 Jerry Jarvis Quiet
1971 John Daniel Big Bear
1971 Mike Roberts Red Fox
1971 Roger Corbin Bird
1972 Bruce Arden Little Tall
1972 Carl Haynes Chief of Peace
1972 David Henderson Ground Hog
1972 Ralph Putnam Bat
1972 Richard Gustafson Cherokee
1972 Robert Cansler The Frogs Cry Here
1972 Robert Cook Red Bird
1972 Robert Gash Old Owl
1972 William Edwards Worker
1973 Charles Toms Gentle One
1973 Dan Harrison Dancer
1973 David Briscoe Moose
1973 Donnie Osborne Hungry Bear
1973 Emory Gash Mischief
1973 Jake Wilson Hammer
1973 James Fender Mountain Teacher
1973 John Cox Tree Friend
1973 Robert Fisher Standing Indian
1974 Brent Leftwich Wind
1974 Dennis Stockdale Mountain Teacher
1974 Doug Elledge Spider
1974 James Deavor Cricket
1974 James Hatley Hat
1974 Richard Sharpe Turkey
1975 Charles Pettee Feather Man
1975 McCartney Diligent One
1975 Donald Henderson Sharp Knife
1975 John McLeod He Who Does All
1975 Russell Matheson Heavy Beard
1975 Thomas Massie Tall Walker
1975 Thomas Wilson Straight Bullet
1976 Brian McKinley Broken Wing
1976 Charles Farr Trained
1976 Lewis Blodgett Scholar
1976 Peter Sprague Fast Squirrel
1976 Richard Hageman Serious
1976 William Taylor Happy Leader
1977 Third Furtado Helpful
1977 Bill Taylor Billy Bobwhite
1977 Justin Scroggs Faithful Friend
1977 Norman Harrill Hoot Owl
1977 Robert Harrison Wednesday Dancer
1977 Robert Pearson High Flying Eagle
1977 Todd Dingman Strong Friend
1978 Clifford Lively Rock Climber
1978 Floyd Lowrance Rope Fox
1978 Herman Stone Black Gunpowder
1978 Norman Harrill Walking Owl
1978 Philip Johnson Straight Tongue
1978 William Ratcliffe Smart Eagle
1979 Bruce Blakely Election Worker
1979 Carleton Collings Food Master
1979 Chris Farr 250 Miles
1979 Jack Cole Silent Mountain
1979 Jeffrey Gray Money Man
1979 Walter Dean Walnut Wood
1980 Charles Potts Food Magician
1980 David Atkinson Third Point
1980 David McCurry Proud Treasurer
1980 Robert Weinkle Warm Smile
1980 Thomas Atkinson Smart Smoker
1980 Wiley White Dancing Beaver
1981 Bryan Clanton Stompground Leader
1981 Jon Holliday Fast Talker
1981 Lyndon Conley Thoughtful One
1981 Paul Ford Thrifty One
1982 Calvin Phipps Faithful Servant
1982 Charles Pounders Artist
1982 Dexter Ramey Laughing Drummer
1982 Douglas Fisher Self Giver
1982 James Remine Thinks Quickly
1982 Leo Adams Good Worker
1982 Mark O'Shields Polite
1982 Stephen Miller Silent Speaker
1983 John Lively Father of Rock Climber
1983 Karl Byas Fast Reader
1983 Tony Johnson Reckless Writer
1983 Wiley White Fast Tongue
1984 Earl Elliott Silent Thought
1984 Glen Wise Musical
1984 Greg Rutledge Fast Canoe
1984 Jeff Cole Bow Hunter
1984 Joe Glasscock Desk Lion
1984 Melvin Law Meal Maker
1985 Charles Athony Horn Toad
1985 Kevin Pint Thinks Fast
1986 Dallas Hicks Running Jaw
1986 David Kafitz Carrot Top
1986 Dr. Gary Todd Talking Healer
1986 Dr. Harry Summerlin Healing Waters
1986 Kevin Wright Night Owl
1986 Randy Sawald River Rat
1986 Robert Curtis Swift Shooter
1986 William McMullen Change Maker
1987 Brian McMullen Ball Player
1987 Harry Frick User of Great Words
1987 John Rice Wise Leader
1987 Michael Mann Faithful Leader
1987 O. Mallory Loud Sleeper�
1987 Tim McSween Big Friend
1987 Tony Rice Silent Runner
1988 Arik Grier Small One
1988 Barry Clayton Smoking Storyteller
1988 Bill Huters Flat Top
1988 George Todd Laughing Brave
1988 Joe Frick Lazy Chief
1988 Rick Cody Ear Biter
1989 David Krishock Early Bird
1989 Heath Kinsland Bald Head
1989 Jerry O'Neal Music Maker
1989 John Gibbs Good Cook
1990 Danny Little One of Calm Mind
1991 Burney Mack Preacher
1991 Charles Carter Smart Chief
1991 Glenn Banning Careful Listener
1991 Mike Kinsland Quiet Water
1991 Ryan Banning Short Man Strong Heart
1992 Al Cauble Trade Man
1992 Bernie Grauer Perfection Man
1992 Bill Hixson He Who Closes Meetings
1992 Bill Horton Music Man
1992 Chris Moody He Is Hiding Groceries
1992 Dan Little Little Soil Shovel
1992 Garrick Smith Biscuit Man
1992 Greg Galloway Big Bow Publisher
1992 Joe Fulmer Big Short Joe
1992 Martin Banning Sock Ball Player
1992 Travis Clayton Quiet Big Man
1994 Bernard Gier Save Many Things
1994 Bryan Taubert Happy Feet
1994 Chris Bertolini Far Speaker
1994 Chuck Rice Information Keeper
1994 Greg Bias Running Far
1994 Mitch Stevens Eats No Chicken
1995 Guy Little Big Man, Little Name
1995 Kenneth Clark Brave Soldier
1995 Robbie Southern Third Eagle
1996 Clay Hensley Recorder
1996 Phillip Godfrey Cloth Sign Trader
1997 Charlie Krug Northern Brother
1997 Gavin Douglas Swift Writer
1997 Peter Sommers Cook
1997 Shawn Sommers Young Dancer
1997 Terry "Tee" Pruitt Chief Who Speaks
1998 Eddie Hollifield Fixes with Duct Tape
1998 Greg Loomis Icelandic Invader
1998 Jason Laney Leader of New Brothers
1998 Karen Banning Determined Mother
1998 Simon Stricklen Great Debater
1998 Steve Smith Traveling Peach
1998 Todd Knaperek Squeaky Runner
1999 Brian Simpson Talks Much, Says Little
1999 Jim Dickson Faithful Worker
1999 Mike Nail Little Fisher Bird
2000 Rick Hulme Lawnmower Man
2000 Shawn Stricklen Spark Plug
2000 William "Bill" Barry Quiet Riot
2001 Alison Knaperek Smiling Worker
2001 Andy Clark He Who Dances Out Fires
2001 Dylan Hulme Vested Man Who Burns Crackers
2001 Edward Knaperek The Last Buffalo
2001 Keith Sharpton Silent Green Man
2001 Steve Miller Keeper of the Mountain
2002 Chris Hoover Keeper of the Lost Light
2002 Eric Mitchell Red Scarf
2002 Gary Brock Trades at All Times
2002 Russell Hughes He Who Sees All
2003 George Paquette Snake Man that Steals Hat
2003 Cody Hulme Frank the Horned Warrior
2004 Matt Emory Big Arrow Man
2004 James Greene Big Man, Big Heart
2004 Jim McNeal Hawk Eyes
2004 Rick Moninghoff Busy Beaver
2005 Brian Boushéy Chief of Roosters
2005 Adam Kuykendall Chief with Creased Uniform
2005 Gary Todd Cooks for Many
2006 Scott Martin Blue Brother
2006 Joey Digregorio Patch Predator
2006 Mark Birdsong Fox Tail
2006 Carroll Trantham The One Called Spider
2006 Lewis Kuykendall Trading Bear
2005 Jhon Ward Man of the Sea
2006 Robby Thompson Stomps Grass
2007 Mitchell May Swimming Leader
2007 Colleen Shipley Bear with Big Heart
2007 Kelly Snead Bringer of the Drum
2007 Brett Suess Dancing Spider
2007 Luke Braswell Big Man, Little Drum
2008 Lance Phillips Working Bear
2008 Joe DiGregorio Morning Singer
2008 Golda Trantham Golden Helper
2008 Zack Pruett Silent Thunder
2008 Drew Evans Music Man
2008 RJ Trantham Little Warrior
2009 Benjamin Birdsong Singing Bird
2009 James Hylemon Willing Helper
2009 Robbie Mann Trading Man
2009 Fred Trantham Guarding Brother
2009 Dan Rogers Long Walker
2009 Ashby Gale Helping Brother
2010 Jamie DiGregorio Silent Helper
2010 Kyle Griewisch Gravy Man
2010 Daniel Huff Loud Cook
2010 Mary Lou Farmer Trainer of Friends
2010 Ralph Loomis Healing Hands
2010 Morgan Bounds Silent Cook
2011 David Burrell Working Leader
2011 Bryson Christy Trail Hiker
2011 Matthew Penland The Silent Thunder
2012 Austin Hawkins Dish Washer
2012 John Mark Contemplative Brother
2012 Cameron Barnett Wears Many Hats
2012 John Lampley Prepared Brother
2012 Jay Madill Camp Leader
2013 Travis Broadhurst Eager Leader
2013 Chris Burke Dynamic Trumpeter
2013 Stan Ferguson Detailed Cook
2013 Joshua Christ Loyal Servant
2013 Tim Bounds Bighearted Cook
2014 Randall Hylemon The Patient One
2014 Nathaniel Broadhurst Daring Adventurer
2015 Lucas Johnson Booming Thunder
2015 Kevin Elliot Midnight Wolf
2015 Tristan Fitzpatrick Cook Who Throws Tomahawk
2015 Seth Perry Canoe Builder
2015 John Perry Cheerful Craftsman
2015 Weldon Clinard Cheerful Trader
2016 Dakota Johnson Faithful Wolf
2016 Tyler Cole Faithful Fire Builder
2016 Pierce Asaad Singing Chief
2016 Kiffen Loomis Determined Chief
2016 Zach Haas Guide for Ideal
2016 Cole Roberts Shaking Squash Caller
2016 Ryan Grannan Laughing Drummer
2017 Leslie Owens Shadow Scribe
2017 Shane Owenby Cautious Musical Friend
2017 McKinley Bias Dancing Squirrel
2017 Tyler Macalister Laughing Warrior
2017 Eli Kayne Bearded Friend
2017 David Kayne Faithful Metal Worker
2017 Spencer Roten Reliable Musician
2018 Lucy Thorne Dancing Weaver
2018 Marc Asaad Guiding Wind
2018 Mike Lundy Quiet Shooter
2018 Samuel Brown Stealthy Reader
2018 Dorian Owenby Deer Stalker
2018 Blake Williams Hunger Slayer
2019 Antonio Castro Lucky Wizard
2019 Matty Gates Toolbox
2019 Sarah Barnett Small Worker With Big Fire
2019 Andrew Williams Eagle-eyed Cook
2019 Trevor Nail Performing Animal Lover
2019 Davis Roberts Dancing Fire Head
2019 Nicholas Owens Dancing Bear
2020 Josh Morrow Dedicated East Chief
2020 Gail Brown Loyal Itching Fire Builder
2020 Thomas Elley Tall Hunter
2020 Nathan Gates Faithful Patch Artist
2020 Harry Smith Faithful Friend Who Questions
2021 Ray Kull Big Friend of Little Bear
2021 Kevin Donahue Little Man Big Bow
2021 Roger "Dale" Emory Treasure Seeker
2021 Bracey Fountain Busy Fire Maker
2021 Ruth Johnson Fire Breathing Whisperer
2022 Joe Gates Quiet Giant
2022 Chad McCormick Respected Cook with Spirti
2022 Kevin Ledford Guiding Server
2022 Mercer Ledford Stealthy Feeder
2023 Jaycob Taylor  
2023 Drew Tashner  
2023 Chris Williams  
2023 Joseph Franklin  
2023 Melinda Kuehn Committed Camp Chief


OA Distinguished Service Award


Troop Benificiary
2020 Travid Broadhurst
2002 Jason Laney
2000 Tee Pruitt
1994 John Young
1954 William Roth


Youth Region/Section Officers


Year Name Troop
1964 Richard Hurley Section Chief
1981-82 Walter Dean Section Vice Chief
1982 Mark O'shields Section Secretary
1985 David Kafitz Section Secretary
1989 David Kafitz Section Chief
1994 Bernie Grauer Section Secretary
1997-98 Gavin Douglas Section Vice Chief
1998 Tee Pruitt Section Chief
1999 Jason Laney Section Secretary
1999 Todd Knaperek Section IA Coordinator
2000 Jason Laney Section Chief
2007 Adam Kuykendall Section Vice Chief
2010 James Hylemon Section Vice Chief
2011 James Hylemon Section Chief 
2014 Travis Broadhurst Section Chief

Eagle Project of the Year


Nomination Form

Year Name Troop Benificiary
2022 Laney White Troop 4061 Question, Persuade, Refer Institute
2021 Noah Lewkowicz Troop 50 Black Mtn. Parks and Rec
2020 Colin Wyatt Troop 40 Montford Park Players
2019 David Remington Troop 101 National Forest Service
2018 Zachary Moss Troop 61 Koontz intermediate School
2017 Hudson Cobb Troop 77 The Lord's Acre
2016 Eric T. Cox Troop 999 Woodland Church of Christ
2015 Lucas Moffitt Troop 26 WNC Autistic Group Home
2014 Jonathan Kayne Troop 40  Beth Israel Synagogue
2013 Hunter Stanley Troop 207 Summit Charter School
2012 Michael Williams Troop 138 Swannanoa 4-H Camp
2011 Ian Moore Troop 53 Mountain Top Experience
2010 Cameron Barnett Troop 8 Progressive Education Program
2009 John Morse Troop 53 Veterans Restoration Quaters
2008 Jonathan Anderson Troop 298 St. Agnes Church
2007 Benjamin Birdsong Troop 701 Living Waters Retreat
2006 Nathan Hutchins Troop 3 Trinity United Methodist Church
2005 Blake Dublin Troop 601 Dupont State Forest


Eagle Scouts

The Daniel Boone Council has awarded over 4,400 young men and women with the highest honor, when they earned the Eagle Scout Rank. These Troops have over 100 Eagle Scouts: Updated 10/31/2020


Troop Number Number of Eagle Scouts
Troop 8 234
Troop 605 166
Troop 77 151
Troop 26 142
Troop 1 136
Troop 4 116
Troop 316 109
Troop 91 107
Troop 701 100


Honorable Mention

Troop Number Number of Eagle Scouts
Troop 72 90
Troop 15 89
Troop 3 88
Troop 601 81
Troop 108 80
Troop 914 80
Troop 138 80
Troop 53 76
Troop 4061 (Female) 3
Troop 4008 (Female) 1
Troop 4101 (Female) 1


See our list of Eagle Scouts


Second Century Society

The Second Century Society is the Boy Scouts of America’s national social organization of individuals, families, foundations, and corporations stewarded by key volunteers and implemented by the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation. Established in 2011 as the way to recognize Scouting’s major donors at both the local and national levels. Qualifying gifts to be recognized as a Second Century Society member  have a broader definition than Scouting’s major gift recognition in the past.  These gifts include gifts of $25,000 or more to a local council, the Boy Scouts of America Foundation, high-adventure base or any Scouting entity for operating, capital, or endowment.

There are four levels of giving"

Green - $1,000,000+

Blue - $500,000+

Red - $100,000+

Yellow - $25,000+


Name Level
Anonymos (2X) Green
Purcell Construction Green
Ralph Loomis Red
John Teeter Red
G. Stuart Thorp Red
Anonymos Yellow
Jack Cole Yellow
Robert "Bob" Litten Yellow
Advanced Superabrasives Inc. Yellow


Silver Antelope Recipients

The Silver Antelope is the highest award that Region/Area can present to its volunteers.

The Silver Antelope Award is presented upon action of the Regional Executive Board of one of the BSA's four Regions for service to youth within the Region or for outstanding longtime service to youth by a registered Scouter residing within that Region.


Year Name
2014 Thomas C. Harrison
2013 C. J. "Pete" Armstrong
2009 Wendy Henderson
1997 Carol H. Atkinson
1986 Dr. Ivan B. Stafford


Alumnus of the Year

The Council Alumnus of the Year Award features an acorn, a reminder that Scouts and Scouters plant trees under which they may never sit. It is in that vein that the award was created as it recognizes those that promote and share the gift of Scouting through their careers, avocations, and their influence.


Year Name
2019 Kenneth "Scott" Page
2018 John Teeter
2017 Richard Hurley
2016 Jack C. Cole


North Star Award Recipients

High-level award presented by councils on the behalf of the National Court of Honor for nonregistered volunteers who have made a significant contribution to Scouting; on same level as the Silver Beaver Award, which is for registered volunteers.


Year Name
2021 Robert "Bob" Harrison
2019 William "Bill" Crout
2017 Glenn May
2016 Daniel H. Purcell


Venturing Ranger Award Recipients


Year Name Unit
2015 Gabe Justice Crew 503
2014 Felecia Gaddis Crew 340
2008 Jovahnna Graves SSS 758
2007 Jenny Wallen SSS 758


Venturing Silver Award Recipients


Year Name Unit
2014 Julia Wegmann SSS 758
2014 Felecia Gaddis Crew 340
2014 Taylor Hernandez SSS 758
2008 Miranda Gibbs SSS 758
2008 Jovahnna Graves SSS 758
2007 Jenny Wallen SSS 758


Sea Scout Quartermaster Award Recipients


Year Name Unit
2017 Julia Wegmann SSS 758
2015 Gabe Justice SSS 758
2013 Jovahnna Graves SSS 758
2008 Jenny Wallen SSS 758